Tag: backup

Wet RoseI have been meaning to sort out a complete backup regime for a while now. Unfortunately every attempt I make finds something lacking in the program I trial…

This would force me to find another program to try out, which takes time. After a while I found it hard to find the time to find exactly what I needed as there was always something more important to do.

Then the other week the worst happened, my hard disk failed…

I had some of the stuff backed up, but how much? I really couldn’t tell. There are collections of different bits of my data scattered here and there, some on my iMac, some on my little HP server even some on DVD’s—from when I used to use them for my weekly backup. After a while my requirements spiralled out of control and the 4.7GB on a DVD wouldn’t even scratch the surface…

I know I haven’t done a complete backup in probably a year. My heart sank…

DropboxI can be a bit of a nerd when it comes to computers… I use quite a few on a regular basis.

There is my main PC, the PC I have at work, the media centre PC next to the TV in the front room, then there is the laptop and even my iPhone. That’s not including Shirley’s computer or the 2 servers I own running various virtual operating systems and the handful of fix-me-up jobs in the garage.

Anyway the point of all this is that there are certain files that I occasionally need to have access to from something other than my main PC.

As an example I am currently reading a couple of eBooks. It would be great if I could just open the eBook from any of the computers I use when I have a spare 20 minutes. Then when I have finished reading I could find a new book to download and it would instantly be available from every computer I use.

I think I have found the answer to my problems with Dropbox.