After a chat with a good friend of mine I have realised that sometimes I am spending far too much on this blog! Some of the posts have taken me a whole day to write…
That was fine when I was working in the 9–5 lifestyle as I had some time to kill in the mornings anyway… Right now though I am trying to get my business off the ground and so I should be spending more quality time creating…
Time management is still proving something of a challenge but I can see drastic improvements recently. The trick was to reduce what I am trying to do. The simpler the list of jobs you have to do the easier it is to concentrate on them one at a time and get some good quality work done.
Don’t panic I still plan on posting every week but I am giving myself a much stricter time frame to get each post done. One thing that is going to change though are these monthly reviews. Read on for details…
Get My Other Blog Going
I have put up a few short posts over on but not as many as I was expecting. I have been real busy recently though so I am not disappointed. If I have the urge to post anything technical then it will go over there and this keeps the two sites separate and distinct.
I suppose ideally I would have liked to keep everything in one place but I have two distinct areas of interest, Lifestyle Improvement which is basically what I am hoping will be the basis of this blog, and Technology including gadgets, software and even programming. These are very diverse topics and so I would not expect an average reader of one to necessarily be interested in the other and a technical post could put someone off…
Anyway I will leave this as it is for now but I hope one day to have one single web site with completely separate sections that can be accessed on their own, or even a selection of the areas the reader may be interested in and show all the posts in those sections. This will allow me to write posts about other topics, such as photography, when I feel like it and keep these in another discrete group…
Learn About iOS Development
I have been studying hard but haven’t found as much time as I should have for this. I did get around to having a meeting and setting up a basic spec for my first project so now I have to really force myself to find the time to get to grips with everything and bang out some code…
Get Active
I have started walking a fair bit again but not as much as I had hoped. The weather is starting to improve slightly though so I can feel myself start to get energised again…
This is more of a long term goal after all and I now have other plans to help motivate me on my longer term goals. See below…
As I mentioned at the start of this post I am going to change these monthly review posts. In fact I am going to stop writing them altogether…
The idea behind the monthly review was to give me something to aim at each month and try to help me get some little jobs done. This worked well to begin with and I started achieving lots of the goals I set myself.
When I started mentioning my weight I started to realise a lot of the things I wanted to achieve could not be done within a month. Then when I wrote my Yearly Review for 2010 I realised that these goals are probably more appropriate to tackle rather than the small goals I put on these monthly reviews anyway…
So in future I am going to write progress posts, probably every 3 or 6 months, against my yearly goals instead. I am not entirely sure how these are going to look yet but you can expect the first one around the end of June sometime…
I all sounds very good glad Gary spurred you on.x