Rescued HedgehogSometimes plans change!

This month I was redecorating my whole office. This took a lot longer than planned and the job isn’t completely done yet!

Add to that the fact that this is a short month and I was on holiday at the start of my working month so I also had some time to make up on the contracting side of my work. All in all this didn’t leave me with too much time on my hands to begin with…

Then something exciting happened which took up even more of my time. I got a New Apple iMac 21.5″!

The rest of my plans for February went out of the window…


Experiment With Working Hours

As I mentioned above I barely touched my goals for February. I have tried a few different working hours but I think to get any reasonable results I am going to have to play with this for a reasonable amount of time. I fully intend on continuing with my trials in this area and will get back to you if I come up with anything interesting.

Budget Application

With the excitement of the new iMac I left the spec unfinished for now. There may be a change of tack here and I may end up developing the for the iPhone instead of using Delphi but we shall see…

Redesign My Office

I took this a little bit further than lick of paint and it ended up taking over the whole month pretty much. It is starting to look great though and I am very pleased with the end result. The major hold up at the moment is that a big cupbaord that I ordered to store all of my bits and pieces took 2 weeks to arrive and ended up being damaged beyond repair in transit so I still have loads of stuff with no real home yet waiting for a replacement to be delivered, probably in another 2 weeks…

I have made the best of it though and have taken this opportunity to whittle down my stuff dramatically. It takes a while to go through everything but it is worth it as there is a lot less clutter in the office and I am starting to get a collection of stuff ready to sell.

Mac Mania

I have added this section as I though this should be mentioned as part of my progress. Especially as one of my yearly goals for 2011 is developing for the iPhone, which requires a Mac…

All I can say is wow! The machine looks amazing and it is so easy to set up!

Setting up my office has been a bit of a challenge and setting up my Windows PC was a job in itself. Trying to find space for the bulky computer along with the separate monitor, then attaching to speakers to get sound and a network cable to get access to the internet, adding a webcam and microphone for video messaging, like Skype, connecting with USB keyboard and mouse to the back of the computer…

The iMac has all of this built in. There is just one cable, the power lead! Plug it in, push the power button, on the back of the screen, and away you go. The keyboard and mouse are all ready to go as well and just required being switched on, there is nothing to plug in as they are completely wireless. Wireless networking is also included and started up all by itself so it was instantly on the internet as well.

I started getting a bit carried away with the details at this point and have decided to strip out the more technical stuff as I recently decided to keep the technical details to a minimum on this site. I did mention in that post though that I had a plan for the technical stuff…

I have decided to create a second blog over on my business site,, for anything of a technical nature. The plan is to put up short tips and interesting stuff that I come across on a much more regular basis than the weekly posting schedule I have here and then build up the site around it.

It just felt wrong that my business website was sitting there doing nothing so at least it will become active. That should give me the incentive to spruce it up in the not too distant future…

That’s the reason this post is a little late as I decided at the last minute to make changes to the other site and release that post first. Anyway for those that are interested in all the stuff I originally wrote please check out my first post on my new blog, Windows or Mac?.

Goals For March

Get My Other Blog Going

I need to get some stuff up on my business site quickly to make it more interesting and there are a lot of things that I scribble down for future posts or bookmark that I think are interesting. These would be ideal for regular, quick, short posts for this new blog and then I can see where it takes me from there.

Learn About iOS Development

I already have some work lined up creating a small iPhone app so now I need to get my head down and work out how to do it…

I plan to continue learning the ins and outs of development on my iMac and will probably post about it on my new technical / developer blog.

Get Active

I don’t know if it’s the weather or what but I have become very lazy again over the last couple of months! I have actually put on weight since Christmas. I think I was so pleased that I didn’t put much on over the holidays that I let things slip afterwards…

Anyway I am determined to make up for it…


1 comment


As usual very good read x

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