I have overextended myself a bit in recent weeks. I had three big projects that are all due to come to a head at pretty much the same time.
My mistake was that for two of these projects I left the target date pretty much open. This seemed like a good idea at the time because then I could work on them as and when I had the chance. As with all things that aren’t extremely urgent I didn’t find as much time as I would have liked.
Time passed and as there was no deadline I had no urgency. This is not a good situation to be in.
I should have known better than this as I have experienced it over and over again when working for other people. Jobs are not important until someone starts to push for them. Then you start getting questioned about what you have been doing and why it isn’t ready yet…
Once you get to this stage then all of a sudden the job becomes very urgent if you want to keep the customer happy.